Training Concepts - Part 3 - Specificity (preview)

I am currently working on the Training Concepts series Part 3 - Specificity/Overload. After the last article, I mentioned I would discuss some physiological topics like energy systems tying it to the training load concept, but I changed my mind. For now I'll continue to focus on training concepts relevant for endurance training and after I cover those, then I'll discuss in more detail the physiology behind it.

I rather get all the basic concepts out of the way and later dig deep into why each concepts is important for endurance training physiologically wise. The idea is to allow readers to understand why it is very important to consider the specific needs and goals for each athlete when developing a training program. Also, it will help you understand why trying to force every single athlete in the same model or system can be a rather simplistic approach at best or lead to injuries at worst.

Athletes have different individual needs that should be addressed in their programs based on the fitness level, age, gender, goals, etc. This doesn't mean a training program have to be complicated, it just means with the understanding on these concepts and the way our body respond to different types of training (load), anyone could develop a simple yet complete program to match their specific needs.

None of what you'll read here is new, innovative or something I created; simple I'll be sharing my interpretation of the available evidence which and hopefully explain it in a simple way for those unfamiliar with it.

As mentioned before, if you enjoy marketing buzz words, coined terms or pseudo-science, then you'll find all these articles rather boring. But, if you are one of those athletes/coaches who like to understand the 'why' of things, understand the reasoning behind it and think critical when presented with information, then I am sure you'll enjoy it. I am happy to share the sources of anything I present or talk in here and explain why I interpret things in certain way. (Just post a comment or shoot me an email)

In part 3 (coming soon) I'll discuss the specificity concept, overload, optimum/progressive load and the law of diminishing returns. This should set the table to discussing the periodization concept and models...

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