Fueling Long Runs/Race Cheat Sheet

Example/How much?
If you have 2 hrs before your Long run to fuel, then consume ¾ x your body weight in grams of carbs
175 pound runner should consume ~ 130gr of carbs
1 wheat bagel, 1 cup of orange juice and 1 banana = 120gr of Carbs
If you have 1 hrs before your Long run to fuel, then consume ½  x your body weight in grams of carbs
150 pound runner should consume ~ 75gr of carbs
1 large banana and 1.5 cup of apple juice – 80gr of carbs
During your run consume 1/4  x your body weight in grams of carbs per hour
125 pound runner should consume ~30gr of carbs per hour
16oz of Gatorade or
2 scoops of Powerbar Perform
1 gel or
1 banana
After the run, within 30 min consume ½  x your body weight in grams of carbs and a 1/4 worth of protein
150 pound runner should consume ~ 75gr of carbs and ~37.5 gr of protein
3 cups of chocolate milk
Or 1 cup of OJ and a bagel
Or oatmeal and 1 cup of milk
Or Recovery drinks
Before the run - consume around 24-32oz of fluid. It should be plenty for the 1-1:30hrs
You can consume water and/or sports drinks. Key is to drink to thirst. Don’t overdo it!
1 bottle of water or Gatorade = 20-22oz of fluid

Drink to thirst during your run
If you are thirsty, drink a small cup of water or sports drink
1 small cup = ~4 oz of fluid
Electrolytes – most people consume enough sodium, potassium in their diets and might consume less calcium and magnesium
If you want to try salt pills or other, first review your diet to see if it makes sense. Use an online food log and record what you it – it should give you a solid idea what you need. If you try it, use small doses and see how it works for you.
Supplements like Calcium and Magnesium
Salt Stick Pills

Should I drink caffeine? Sure, if you like it. Caffeine is a legal performance enhancer though. How much? Depends how much you drink on a regular basis and other.
~0.5 mg of caffeine per body weight. 150 pound runner should consume ~ 75mg of caffeine. Better to err on the low side.
1 cup of coffee has around 80-100 mg of caffeine.

Try different foods and products and see what works for you. Start on the conservative side and build up if need it.

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